verduurzaming schoolgemeenschap lek en linge
Payback time is halved
The Lek en Linge school community is making a conscious effort to become more sustainable. Both when it comes to investments and the selection of construction partners, for example for the installation of LED lighting with a base cabinet. Lek en Linge is a public regional school community with all levels of secondary education. When students are enjoying their holidays, the school buildings are extremely busy. “Summer is the time for work that cannot be carried out during teaching days,” says Martin Tiggelman, facilities coordinator. Such as making lighting more sustainable. During the holiday period, three locations are equipped with energy-efficient LED lamps.
When selecting construction partners, Lek en Linge does not proceed overnight. In a previous lighting project, candidates provided a tasting room with new lighting after a selection on price and quality. “That gave a good impression of the end result.” We emerged as the winner of this selection. “When a company starts work, I quickly know what kind of meat I have in store. At Van den Pol I immediately saw: that is good. That is why I am happy that they are also responsible for part of the current lighting sustainability efforts. “Employees do their work independently and communicate purposefully. If necessary, they know where to find me, which is also how I like it,” says Martin.
When it comes to sustainability, Lek en Linge combines intrinsic motivation with a careful investment policy. “When ordering the lighting, the payback period was 5 to 7 years; I estimate that this has now been halved.”