Obvious priority
Safety is never finished
Employees must arrive at work healthy every day and return home healthy. For Van den Pol, safety is an obvious priority.
Safety culture Safety culture
VCA ensures safe execution of work with a checklist on legislation and regulations. The leading standard for safety culture is the Safety Ladder. Van den Pol was one of the first building installers to be certified for this method of improving safety awareness, attitude and behaviour.
Address and support
Construction site safety is something we do together. For the Safety Ladder it is essential that colleagues address not only each other but also other construction partners about unsafe behavior. They can always count on support from management. Van den Pol also supports subcontractors in increasing their safety awareness.
Security Council
The fact that the focus on safety is paying off is evident from the fact that our Club of 250 has not had any accidents resulting in absence from work since the Safety Ladder certification.
But safety is never finished. To safeguard and enhance the sense of security, a security council has been established. It picks up signals, registers reports and ensures action and follow-up. All managers also conduct regular workplace observations and safety is a standard topic in every meeting.